We are cat people. And as all cat people know, the litter box is a pain in the patootie. Well, not anymore. I really can't say enough about how much I love the new Breeze Litter Box by Tidy Cat
I've owned cats my entire life. And the worst part about them is cleaning the litter box. No one wants to do it. It's stinky and smelly and even though we all know we are supposed to clean it a couple of times a day, no one does. I think all cat owners agree - we do put it off. And then, there's the fact of litter tracking. It doesn't matter where you put it, you end up with bits of litter all over your house. With Breeze, there is no litter tracking.
Here's what I like about it. It's easy to use. My cats love it (no transition problems at all). In fact it became their favorite litter box and they stopped using the other one entirely. There is no pee to scoop up. It drains down into a pee pad beneath - which you just toss into the trash (don't even have to touch it). The "litter" is actually little clay pellets. And when the cat poops, they don't cover it. So, yes, it does stink, but that's good because it encourages you to scoop the poop immediately and toss it into the toilet for flushing! Which, lets face it, I don't know anyone who actually flushes flush-able cat litter.
Anyway, yeah - super clean. No nasty smells. No avoiding the litter box because it's nasty and you don't want to deal with it. And NO litter tracking. Yes, it does cost a bit more then regular boxes, but after about 6 months of using one, I can say, I would never go back to old fashioned litter ever again.
The litter itself is good for one month. And each bag of litter is exactly what you need. So no over or under-filling at all. The pads are good for about a week each (unless your cat is a super pee'er), so one bag should last you a month.
At the end of the month, since you are tossing all the litter out, you simply clean out the box, squirt it down with disinfectant and then put it all back together again. It is so easy to maintain it's actually a joy to maintain and so you end up maintaining it like you are supposed to, which - is nothing short of a miracle when you are talking about litter boxes. If you have a cat - do yourself a favor and get yourself one.