
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best Game Ever!!! - Doggie Doo

My son was given a gift card for xmas and when given the chance to spend it, he bought Doggie Doo.  This is a game where you feed a dog and then it poops and you have to scoop up the poop and whoever gets the most poop wins.

Now. I know what you're thinking. This is the stupidest game concept ever.  Who on earth would want to play that?  Aside from a 6 yr old boy that is.  Well, it turns out - this game is AWESOME!  And I'm not just saying that.

The food is basically Flarp! (the exclamation point is part of the name of the toy).  For those of you who don't have kids, Flarp! is a noise putty.  It makes farting sounds when you stick your fingers in it.  Which, as ever mom of a little boy knows is high humor.

Anyway, you stick the Flarp! into the dog and then suction it out his rear using an air pump.  As the Flarp! moves through your dog it makes the most disgusting sounds.  It is impossible not to laugh while playing this game. When the flarp emerges from the dogs posterior, it can flop out or fly out depending on how much air it has behind it. It never seems to come out the same way twice. But it is always entertaining when it does.

Long story short, this is a REALLY fun and easy game to play and will have you doubled over in laughter while playing it.  I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chill Out Dude- Chillar Party Review

I've got netflix on the wii. One of the great things about it is that there are a lot of bollywood movies on demand.  The most recent movie I saw was Chillar Party. It was an excellent movie and I rated it as 5 stars.  Here's why.

It is a film about kids and discrimination and love and friendship and loyalty, the plight of orphans and fighting back against people in power who are trying to crush the little guy for political gain. I cried quite a bit during this movie.  However, that's not why I rated it so highly.  For a film about kids, it was REALLY well acted.  I believed every single kid was exactly who they were.  This was a really well told story that was well directed and extremely well acted.  It is a great movie and worth seeing.

The movie also stirred up quite a bit of emotions in me because the kids in this movie have what should be a typical childhood, yet, in America, we have lost that. My kid doesn't have the opportunity to just go out and about unsupervised with a group of neighborhood kids who are friends by virtue of living in the same community. Sure, there are other kids in our neighborhood, but only one parent is willing to let their kids go free range. We happen to really like these free range kids and they treat my son great. However, most of the other parents are very suspicious about them and won't let their kids out to play with them at all. Result, even though we have a great neighborhood for kids to play in, we don't have a gang of kids out and about playing learning how to be kids from other kids.  It's sad really. Because I do think our kids need to unstructured unsupervised time.

I know I'm not the only parent who feels this way. My friend Cheryl just wrote a blog post at A Little Bit Quirky on exactly this topic. Anyway, it's a great movie. The story is wonderful and quite touching and you are so proud of these kids, that maybe, if enough American parents watch it, they may just start allowing their kids to go free range like they should.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cara Cara - Oh How I Love Thee

I discovered Cara Cara oranges the other day. They are a variety of navel orange with a gorgeous red flesh and a taste that is sensational. And yes, the color in the photo  is really what they look like. You wouldn't think an orange would actually look like that, but this one does. It is also very juicy. I seem to manage to get juice squirted into one of my eyes every time I eat one. As far as I am concerned, it is totally worth the pain.

The good news is that as I write this, they are in season (Nov/Dec) as they are an early orange.  And, they are now available in the US, which is how I found them. So, if you are browsing your produce aisle and you see a bag of oranges with a photo that looks photoshop-ed, see if it's a Cara Cara - and if it is, BUY THEM!  You won't be disappointed  They have taken the place of my beloved Honeybell Tangelo as my favorite citrus.  I now look at my tangelo tree and think - if only we had planted a Cara Cara.

I love this orange so much I have written a poem in it's honor. Enjoy.

Cara Cara, oh how I love thee
Your red flesh simply delights me
You're so easy to peel 
And your taste so unreal
That I now wish I had my own tree