
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Movie Review: Call of Cthulhu

Simply put, if you don't know Lovecraft or Cthulhu, you ain't a geek. That being said - I would give this particular movie 4 stars.  3 for how well the story was told (it was alright - which is not their fault - Lovecraft stories are notorously hard to translate to film) and a 5 for how well they technically put it together, through a process they call Mythoscope, which blends old style black and white silent movie techniques with new style com-positing techniques. The effect is wonderful.

I really enjoyed this movie though I had to explain parts of it to my husband, who, bless him for trying, isn't all that geeky. I love him dearly anyway.

The stop motion of Cthulhu was great as was really all the scenes in R'leyh. The best part of this DVD was watching the extra features afterwards. It is amazing how they put this thing together and made it look so good.  Yes, parts of it are cheesily put together, but that adds to the charm of the Mythoscope technique. There are clips of Young Wilcox in color orating his story (because it's silent and there is no script he was improvising), clips of what the actual sets looked like (yes, the ocean is done with fabric and glitter), and how they com-posited the cult in the forest scenes together.  All in all an enjoyable movie to watch. Hope the HPL Historical Society makes a few more.

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